A credit score check is a necessity to avail of financial benefits. You need to know your credit score and financial status so that you have a credit report. It is not just limited to exploring loan options, but also fixing negative entries. Yes, you may get a wrong credit score due to errors. This is why it is important to check your credit score for free online and stay updated. A negative or a wrong entry in your credit report will be the worst thing that gives you a low credit score online and makes borrowing impossible.
You cannot afford to do this. If you find that your score has been bad without any reason, hunt for errors. When you find one, you need to fix it before the bad score gives you a loan rejection. It is important to fix your negative credit report that has negative or wrong entries. It can be anything, it can be a wrong delayed payment, default, a missed payment, or any record of bankruptcy. If you are not able to identify the entry that has dropped your online credit score, you need to take immediate action. This is why it is very important to check your credit score and when you find something not right you need to report it immediately.
Check your credit score for free
- Visit the Clix Capital website and then click on get your credit score. This will redirect you to the credit score section.
- Here you will have to enter your email ID, name, password, ID proof such as PAN card, passport number, Voter ID, Aadhaar, date of birth, pin code, and phone number. After you enter these details, click on Accept and continue.
- The next step is to verify your identity. You will get a one-time password (OTP) on the mobile number that you have offered when you were creating your profile. Enter the OTP and click on continue.
- You will be taken to a new window that confirms your identity. You will also get an email confirming the same. As you confirm you will get your credit score reflected right on your screen within a few seconds.
- It is free, so you don’t need to pay anything.
Fix your negative credit report entries
Negotiation with loan provider
There are various times when you cannot make payments against the outstanding loan or credit card for more than 180 days due to unforeseen circumstances. In such cases, banks report this on your credit report as ‘written off’. When this status is given on your credit report, you will start losing out on your score. It will adversely affect the loan or credit card applications.
You can then surely go and request your loan provider to simply remove the ‘written off’ statement from the credit report and pay the bill the outstanding amount.
Report the wrong information
If you find while checking any input or entry that does not belong to you, you need to immediately report. There are chances that any information is false or entries by any mistake. A wrong entry or information about you in your credit report can drop your credit score which you will surely not want to happen. You need to report any such entries that are not done by you or don’t belong to you. Do not ignore such errors as they can lead to a loan rejection. Apply For home improvement loans.
Goodwill deleting
By maintaining a relationship of goodwill with your loan provider you can request them to remove any entry that is causing your application to be rejected. If you have ever defaulted on a loan or anything like that asks your loan provider to remove that. You can go on and negotiate with your loan provider for the removal. Make sure you be genuine and speak to your loan provider about the reason behind such an incident. If your incident looks valid, your loan provider may delete the entry.
Pay off debt
If you find a negative credit report you need to start paying off your debt on time. When you make timely payments, it will help you get a good credit score.
Wrapping up
It is very important to check online credit scores and have complete detail about your credit report so that you fix the negative entries in your report and improve your credit score.